

Wasteland Cyberpunk Visual Novel by Unity, Ink.

Congbo Zhang

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Story introduction

The game tells the tragic death of a young wealthy aristocrat in his hotel room in New Boston on a rainy night after a nuclear winter.

A set of coordinates located at the center of the nuclear explosion, a legendary tomb of a rich man, brought together a gang of retired soldiers, a beautiful female rich revolutionary party, and a polite but mad scientist to plan a tomb robbery plan together, but the murderer is here. among the three.



Project Description

Since I'm a student with a programming background myself, I can't draw, so I chose to use Ink instead of Fungus, and the game format is inspired by Luke Cooke-Swords, focusing more on story rather than art. The story text is about 5,000 words, with branch options but the first half is a linear narrative, advancing the story around the background of the characters. There are four endings at the end, and players can easily go back and read other endings.



Citations and Statements

This project is for coursework purposes only and is not intended for any commercial use.

Thanks to Luke Cooke-Swords for the inspiration I made.


The 8bit pixel image of the cover is quoted from the Internet, but the original author cannot be verified. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete it immediately. Apologies.


The thunderstorm sound of BGM is quoted from the artist Truesound Village, which is not authorized. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete it immediately. Apologies.


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